A Place Where We Can Grow Together
John Wesley United Methodist Church, directed by prayer and the Holy Spirit, shall be a worshiping, caring group of believers who make and equip disciples for serving Jesus in the community and beyond.

Rev. Bethany Douty
Senior Pastor
John Wesley United Methodist Church
A Word From Our Pastor
I’m glad you are visiting our website and I hope you will consider attending worship online or in-person, joining in with our mission work, and becoming part of our community.
My favorite part of being the pastor at John Wesley UMC is that every week people from different political, ethnic, racial, and economic backgrounds choose to be a part of our community. We know that we are not all alike, and that is one of our biggest strengths. We love God and we love working together. And we know that our differences help us to serve God better as a community than any of us could do as individuals. We help each other grow and we share God’s love with the world.
My anchor Bible verse is John 10:10, which says that Christ came that we might have abundant lives. If you are looking for that abundant life that Christ promised, welcome to our community. We are glad you are here!
We offer worship in-person and online each Sunday at 10 a.m. We use Facebook Live as our primary means of online worship. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view our worship services. If you click on the link below, it should take you to our page and you should be able to view our live video, as well as any other videos we have posted and saved to our page.
Worship With Us
Online or In-person Worship
Sundays At 10 Am
Our Ministries
Local Missions ECHO, Tallahassee ECHO (Emergency Care Health Organization) puts...
Children in Worship We value our intergenerational worship experience and...
2025 TUITION RATES Effective August 1, 2023 We allow payment...
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Choir Whether you have sung in choir your whole life,...
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