Local Missions

ECHO, Tallahassee
ECHO (Emergency Care Health Organization) puts faith into action by serving people in crisis and poverty. ECHO provides a full range of services that restore individual and family self-sufficiency and feelings of self-worth. ECHO offers Leon County residents and the homeless professional services through programs providing emergency relief, job skill development, and family sustainability. With a small staff, and a large volunteer base, our programs are designed to assist people in their efforts to become independent, productive, and stable.
Habitat for Humanity, Tallahassee
A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses alongside our homeowner (partner) families.
Alternative Christmas Market
Our Alternative Christmas Market each December brings together a number of charitable organizations and those in our community who wish to provide “alternative” Christmas gifts to loved ones by donating to one or more of the charities in honor of the alternative gift recipients. Many people enjoy giving and receiving these “gifts” that will help others . We also have a shop with free-trade and handmade gifts from local and international artisans, for tangible gift-giving as well.
Contact Person: Pat Davis
Global Missions

Aguada Sister Church, Cuba
Regularly our church sends teams to visit our sister church in Aguada, Cuba. Please write letters to our sisters and brothers in Aguada and lift them up in your daily prayers. If you are interested in participating in one of our teams, let us know!
Contact person: Terry Denham
Porch de Salomon
A multi-faceted ministry that reaches the large hurting population of expatriates in Panajachel, Guatemala and mobilizes volunteer teams and individuals to minister to the indigenous population. For more information, click here.
Contact person: Lloyd Monroe
Missionaries Serving In Angola, Africa
Leonardo Garcia and Cleivy Benitez are missionaries of the Methodist Church in Cuba assigned to the East Angola Conference. Their responsibilities are with the Quessua Mission near Malanje, Angola and include teaching at the Faculty of Theology in Quessua and coordinating Florida volunteer groups.
Contact person: Cindy Cosper
Orphanage/Boarding House, East Angola
Many children and youth lost their families during the long years of the civil war that devastated Angola. Donations from churches in the Florida Conference provide support so that these students can receive appropriate nourishment while being educated in Quessua. $30 will feed one child/youth for a month.
Contact person: Icel Rodriguez
United Methodist Volunteers In Mission
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission is a hands-on mission experience for all Florida United Methodists. Children, Youth, and Adults may participate in hundreds of mission experiences from Vacation Bible School and Christian witnessing, to construction of chapels and parsonages on a global context.
Contact person: Icel Rodriguez